New Short Story Announcement!
At the beginning of the year, I wasn’t anticipating to have any new releases under this pen name for 2019, but the year has proven me wrong! I’m so excited to announce that the upcoming anthology A Touch of Magic from Snowy Wings Publishing will include my story “The Cursed Tower”! This story is a Rapunzel retelling with a Gothic twist and I’m very excited to share it with you all. (And no, I didn’t get duped into editing this one. That burden privilege belongs to the lovely Janina Franck!)
A Touch of Magic releases next month on July 30! The cover reveal for the collection is happening on July 10, and I’d love it if you could help out sharing the beautiful cover! If you’re interested, you can sign up here.
Pride Month Sales!
In other news, June is Pride month and to celebrate, I’ve marked Fourth World and Cheerleaders from Planet X down to $0.99 at all retailers for the whole month. Additionally, I’ve got a coupon running on my Gumroad store for $0.99 off all my books, meaning you can get Fourth World and Cheerleaders plus my two perma-$0.99 books, Different Worlds and Gale, for free! And everything else will be a buck off, too. Just use the coupon code PRIDE19!