Cheerleaders From Planet X Playlist

UPDATE: I recently discovered that many of these albums are now available on iTunes, so I am including links to them! Many of the songs are also on Spotify now, so I made a special Cheerleaders From Planet X Spotify playlist for you all. The first two songs, “STILL” and “POWER” are the songs I consider the most thematic for the book.

Continuing my theme of listening to really obscure music, when writing Cheerleaders From Planet X, I pumped myself up by listening to some of my favorite J-Pop and K-Pop hits from about 15 years ago. 90% of what I listened to while writing this book was queen of pop and the universe BoA, so below is a breakdown of my most-listened BoA songs, by album.

Pretty much the rest of my playlist consisted of Crystal Kay’s Vivid (which you can get on iTunes!) and random One Direction songs, because I have no shame whatsoever. (You can find these, as well as some other boy band songs of the sort Laura would love, in the Spotify playlist above!)

BoA – Listen to My Heart (Japanese)

  • Power
  • ID; Peace B
  • Listen to My Heart
  • Don’t Start Now

BoA – No. 1 (Korean)

  • No. 1
  • Beat It
  • Tragic

BoA – Love & Honesty (Japanese)

  • Rock With You
  • Be the One
  • Milky Way

BoA – Outgrow (Japanese)

  • Silent Screamerz
  • Cosmic Eyes
  • Dakishimeru

BoA – Made in Twenty (Japanese)

  • Lady Galaxy

BoA – The Face (Japanese)

  • BASICALLY THIS ENTIRE ALBUM. This is my favorite BoA album. You should buy it. But in particular…
  • Girl in the Mirror
  • Gyappu ni Yarareta
  • Hey Boy, Hey Girl

BoA – Only One (Korean)

  • The Top
  • The Shadow

BoA – Copy and Paste (Korean)

  • Copy and Paste
  • Hurricane Venus
  • Adrenaline
  • Let Me

And in case you were curious… yes, I own all these albums. On CD. Ordered from CD Japan and YesAsia over the last decade and a half. And this isn’t even all the BoA CDs I own. Now if you ever wanted to know who my favorite musician is, the answer will be abundantly clear.