
  • Cover reveal: Alien Princess Sorority Girl

    If you participated in last week’s YA Scavenger Hunt, you’ll have seen this there first. But if not, I wanted to make sure everybody saw this! You may have noticed a few new pages on the site last week… for example, Cheerleaders from Planet X is now on a series page instead of a stand-alone page. Because that’s right: the sequel is finally happening! Check out the cover and blurb…

  • Summer Status Update

    It’s been a while since I’ve updated here, hasn’t it? How have all of you been holding up? 2020 has been… quite a year. I think today’s Wizard of Id strip summarizes it quite well: (Also, speaking of comics, alert: Cathy is back. This is not a drill, Cathy is back. Or, as she put it, b-aack!) Anyway. I have alluded to this to a certain degree over on Dreamwidth,…

  • Looking back on 2018

    I posted this on Twitter about a week and a half ago, but I wanted to share it here as well: Since everyone’s been doing threads talking about their accomplishments from 2018, I wanted to join in because I’m really proud of how much I got done this year.ย ๐ŸŽ‰ I edited an anthology for the first time since 2015! It was a lot of work and will probably be the…

  • What’s next

    New World‘s been on shelves for about a month now, and I’ve been taking a much-needed break to recharge my batteries. But I’m starting to feel human enough again to start thinking about what’s next for me, and I wanted to share that with all of you. 2018 was my most productive year so far. I had stories in two anthologies published this year, one of which I also edited.…

  • Illustration reveal for Sea-Stars and Sand Dollars

    Remember a few months back when I announced I have a story in the upcoming Brave New Girls anthology? We’re just a month out from release, now, and today the editors revealed the illustration/cover page for the story! I’m excited about this illustration because I did it myself! And, man, was it hard on me.ย ๐Ÿ˜…ย I used to draw quite a bit, but it’s been several years, and my body doesn’t…

  • Magic at Midnight ARCs going out today!

    The proofing stage forย Magic at Midnightย is complete, which means the book is done! If you didn’t see the pictures I posted of the paperback proof on Instagram the other day: https://instagram.com/p/BiC46OgF3Fi/ https://instagram.com/p/BiFaMGLlyFY/ The paperback is suuuuper pretty and the illustrations came our very nice! I’m excited for everyone to see it. ARCs will be going out later today, once my body stops screaming at me long enough to let me…

  • Magic at Midnight done! Next up: New World

    Amy and I are all finished with edits for Magic at Midnight, and it’s been formatted and is in the final proof stage now! The authors are reviewing their proof copies of the ebook and when that’s done we’ll be able to send ARCs out, hopefully around the first of May. If you’re interested in receiving an ebook ARC and leaving a review, you can sign up here! I’m excited…

  • Announcing a new anthology

    Announcement time!ย You may remember a couple years ago I was supposed to co-edit and have a story in a sci-fi fairy tale retellings anthology. And then I got sick (this surprises no one). I’ve been feeling bad about that story, though. It’s been sitting there unfinished and neglected on my hard drive all this time. Then my publisher came up with the idea to do an anthology, so it lives…

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