If you participated in last week’s YA Scavenger Hunt, you’ll have seen this there first. But if not, I wanted to make sure everybody saw…
YA Scavenger Hunt, Featuring Kate McLaughlin
Note: The YA Scavenger Hunt is now over! Thanks to everyone who played and congrats to the winners! Iβll be leaving this post up for…
Fall news!
I’ve got some exciting stuff going on this week, so I wanted to give you all a heads up. First: Overmorrow Releases This Thursday You…
Summer Status Update
It’s been a while since I’ve updated here, hasn’t it? How have all of you been holding up? 2020 has been… quite a year. I…
Check out the newest I Heart Lesfic Megasale!
I Heart Lesfic is holding one of its seasonal megasales this week, with the theme “Love is in the Air,” for Valentine’s Day! Dozens of…
Interview with DAWNFALL creator RoAnna Sylver
Once again, it’s been a while! I actually had had aspirations of something other than A Touch of Magic releasing this year, but, predictably, my…
National Coming Out Day 2019: An Announcement
This post is a bit personal, and is probably the sort of thing I would ordinarily share on my Dreamwidth rather than here, but since…
Cover reveal: A Touch of Magic
The cover forΒ A Touch of Magic, the next YA anthology from Snowy Wings Publishing, has been revealed! As mentioned previously, I have a couple of…