More news! An Extra Story in A Touch of Magic One of the authors who planned to participate in the upcoming anthologyย A Touch of Magic…
New Short Story Announcement! At the beginning of the year, I wasn’t anticipating to have any new releases under this pen name for 2019, but…
I Heart Lesfic Spring Mega Sale
Just wanted to drop in real quick with a note that I’m participating in the I Heart Lesfic Spring Mega Sale! Over one hundred authors…
Read CinderellA.I. for free now!
You may have seen posts about this on social media last week, but if not: “CinderellA.I.”, my short story from Magic at Midnight, has been…
“Gale” is available widely!
Just a quick note today to let you all know that “Gale,” my short sci-fi retelling of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, is now available at ebook…
Looking back on 2018
I posted this on Twitter about a week and a half ago, but I wanted to share it here as well: Since everyone’s been doing…
One last holiday book giveaway!
I’ve got my final holiday book giveaway going on Twitter right now. Open through tomorrow, you can win a paperback copy of one of my…
Another holiday book giveaway
As promised, I have more holiday goodies in store! If you’re over on Twitter, I’m giving away a paperback copy of my friend Heather Dixon…