
  • Giving thanks for readers

    Thursday was Thanksgiving in the USA, a day for being grateful for everything we have. 2016 was a year of ups and downs, but the one consistently positives thing through the whole year was the wonderful readers I have met in my last year of publishing. I am so grateful for all of you! As you may recall, last month I put two short stories up for free download on InstaFreebie.…

  • Different Worlds News!

    At long last, I have a bunch of Different Worlds news for you! First of all, in case you missed it, the cover has been revealed! Check out this post on Claudie Arseneault’s blog for the full paperback view, showcasing an awesome panorama of Tierra Nueva and our protagonists, Henry and Tamara. I also have some behind-the-scenes information about the cover and why I love how it represents the story. Also…

  • End of November progress report

    November was a month of ups and downs for me. Like I mentioned in my last post, it’s always a hectic month with my birthday and the holidays, and this year I knew it was going to be even more crazy because I was having a friend come and stay with me for several days right before Thanksgiving. What I didn’t bargain for was an unexpected stress: my oldest dog becoming…

  • FiYoCrapMo Year 2: Finishing more crap

    Last year I posted about why I don’t usually participate in NaNoWriMo, simply because I can’t keep up with that sort of pace without completely burning out (and, since my health problems started, making myself so sick I can’t function for the rest of the month). What I did last year, though, was follow this advice and treat November as FiYoCrapMo—short for “Finish Your Crap Month.” In looking back at my…

  • WATER ON MARS!! And more.

    Hi everyone! Long time, no post. I have been a busy bee the last few months, finishing up on Fourth World, helping a friend with an editing project, and blogging on The Pack of Aces. I have more info about what I’ve been up to below, but first matters first: Did you hear the news? NASA announced today that they’ve found evidence of liquid water on Mars! And not as…

  • Tips for editing an anthology

    We’re a little under a month out from publication on Perchance to Dream! I’m excited for it to be released, but I’m also excited for it just to be done. This project has consumed so much of my time, and I will be really glad to be able to go back to working on my regular projects (poor Fourth World and its sequels have been quite neglected the past few…

  • New Year’s Resolution: Write All Year

    Long time, no post! I had surgery a couple of weeks ago to address some ongoing health problems I’ve been having, so I wasn’t able to get online for awhile. But I’m feeling much better now and hoping I’ll be able to blog on here more regularly! (And remember to post my TBT entries, at least.) I’ve been doing some fun stuff behind the scenes, and I’m excited to tell…

  • FiYoCrapMo

    Even though I’m a writer, I can’t really hang with NaNoWriMo. I just can’t write that fast, I always wind up getting burnout. During the summer, I do like to do Camp NaNoWriMo, which lets you set your own word count goal. I usually set it to a much more reasonable amount, like 10-20,000 words. Nevertheless, it’s hard to escape NaNo mania in November. But this time around, I saw…